主要指集裝袋的強度。在設計時要考慮包裝容積、盛載物重量和包裝單位個數, 還要考慮運輸距離的遠近和搬運次數的多少,采用何種運輸工具和運輸方法。
Mainly refers to the strength of the main bag. In the design, packaging volume, carrying weight and the number of packaging units should be considered, as well as the distance of transportation and the number of times of handling, and which means of transportation and method of transportation should be adopted.
在GB/T10454-2000集裝袋國家標準中, 嚴格規定了集裝袋基布和吊帶技術指標要求, 從安全角度出發, 明確了集裝袋結構全部為底吊結構。安全系數必須達到1.8。
According to GB/ t10454-2000 national standard for bagging, the technical index requirements of base cloth and sling of bagging are strictly stipulated. From the perspective of safety, it is clear that all bagging structures are bottom hanging structures. Safety factor must be 1.8.